
Frequently Asked Questions

There are currently over 100 BrainRx centres in 36 countries around the world.  Here are answers to some of the key questions that helped our wonderful BrainRx centre owners in their decision making process. 

1. An Introduction to BrainRx

3. Is BrainRx Right For Me?

5. How Can We Rewire the Brain?

7. Can You Describe a Student's Journey

9. What is a Typical Client Profile and What Results Are Achieved?

11. Who Makes a Great BrainRx Licensee?

13. How Do I Open My Own Center?

2. What Makes BrainRx Different?

4. Where in the World Does BrainRx Operate

6. Can You Increase IQ?

8. Can the Training Be Offered Virtually and in How Many Languages?

10. How Do We Promote Understanding of Neural Plasticity in the Community?

12. What is the Required Investment?